How to find the right used car

How to find the right used car:

How to find the right used car: Don't Rule Out Ugly
How to find the right used car: Don’t Rule Out Ugly

How to find the right used car.

  • Don’t rule out ugly.

Have you ever bought an article of clothing that looks absolutely fantastic on you…but doesn’t have much hangar appeal?  The Golden Rule Try It Before You Buy It applies to cars too.  Don’t rule out a used vehicle until you’ve driven it.  After all, you are going to spend most of your time inside the vehicle driving it, not standing on the outside staring at it. 

So even if the vehicle isn’t the most attractive…when you’re behind the wheel you barely see the vehicle’s exterior. 

How to find the right used car or apv
Chevy APV. Ugly or Beautiful?

Ok, so you might see a little of the hood…but that’s only a tiny bit.  And, how much do you really care if the tail lights look a little weird or the hub caps are the wrong shape?  What really matters is how you feel when you are driving it.  Is is comfortable?  Does it have the features you wanted?  Does it handle well?  How does driving it make you feel?

How to find the right used car:

Is it the color?

There are some folks that feel gold, white or silver metallic are conservative exterior vehicle colors.  Even if you prefer a darker color, don’t rule out a lighter shade.  The golds and silvers out there look a lot cleaner for a lot longer than dark blues and blacks.  How much money will you save if you only need to wash your car once a month instead of once a week?  Lighter color vehicle exteriors (including white) hide dirt and dust much better than their darker counterparts.  And the interiors of lighter colored vehicles remain cooler versus darker exterior colors.   

And there again, while you are driving the car you can barely see the exterior.  So if the interior is in great shape with the features you want and it drives really well… don’t rule it out just because it’s not your favorite exterior hue.

Still not 100% sure?  Ask to keep the vehicle for an extended test drive or take it overnight.  Ron Westphal Chevrolet encourages you to spend quality time in your potential new vehicle prior to your purchase.